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Comment The end of TWO bubbles (Score 2) 97

The Internet bubble is already bursting, with mass layoffs all over the valley. On top of that, the "China growth" story is also cold and dead, with bad debts soaring across Asia.

This has the makings of a massive flop, but the news media is ecstatic about this IPO despite widespread reporting on both bubbles having burst already.

Short this piggy.

Comment DropBox is hopelessly overpriced (Score 5, Insightful) 275

It's one thing to blame Amazon and Google for a price war. But DropBox's pricing scheme was always overpriced. (And the same goes for Evernote -- even though theirs is a slightly different offering). What should cost a couple bucks a month is priced multiples higher.

Besides, DropBox has entertained MULTIPLE exit opportunities and rejected them all.

If they disappear now, they will have only themselves to blame for not choosing any one of the multiple exits that were on the table.

The landscape changed rapidly around the early leaders. And yet, those leaders did not change their models rapidly to match the changing landscape. Knowing when to quit, and how best to exit are essential parts of management. While we may applaud unbounded grit and unshakeable tenacity -- those qualities in a CEO are more frequently disastrous than beneficial.

Comment Re:That has to be the most garbled summary.... (Score 0) 156

It wasn't the "uber geeks" that ruined this trilogy. Jackson built up an incredible amount of "cred" with LOTR. The speed and decisiveness with which he obliterated his cred with The Hobbit is rivaled only by George Lucas and the disaster of Episodes 1 & 2.

The Hobbit is a silly script, which was mutated into a slapstick adventure-comedy. The characters are 2 dimensional and the plot could only possibly interest a child.

Thank goodness we "uber geeks" have Game of Thrones to distract us while Jackson sh*ts out another Disney-esque turd for his corporate paymasters.

Comment Third Amendment Violations, dead ahead (Score 1, Funny) 55

Since the first, second and fourth amendments have already been assaulted and cut-back in the USA, it's probably just a matter of time before the third amendment gets assaulted too.

Most of our already-lost rights seem to have been erased under the banner of "emergency planning", so this would seem like a logical place for the breach on our third amendment rights.

Comment Or maybe you're not so good at math (Score 5, Insightful) 512

The problem is that in terms of mathematical relativity, the fighting in Gaza is not a terribly important ongoing conflict.

There are an *exponentially* larger number of ongoing casualties in Syria. Where is the outrage?

There are more ongoing casualties in Sudan, Pakistan and other non-reported conflicts as well. Where are the street protests?

Selective outrage is inherently indicative of a motivation *other* than humanitarian concern.

Great stats here:

We must care about civilian casualties. But we must not care more about some casualties over others.

Comment But people forget what MENSA concluded (Score 2, Interesting) 561

Folks, MENSA was a study intended to track the successes of those with high IQ's as they progressed through life.

Somewhat unsurprisingly, the study revealed NO CORRELATION.

Zippo. Nada. None. Zilch.

People with high-IQ's were no more successful in career terms than people with average IQ's. (I have a high IQ, and I wish the correlation had been tighter! :D )

So at the end of the day "success" is a combination of multiple factors and IQ alone is non-determinant. So who cares about IQ anyway?

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
