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Comment Complex (Score 1) 263

1: Could you get more interesting stuff to do currently?
2: How long will this creative phase last in the new job?
3: Will it be a long-term thing? Basically this can only be guaranteed by partnership in the firm.
4: Is money currently a major influence on what you can do with your life?
5: If this company fails after your redesign, how will that look on your CV?
6: Do you know if they will actually listen to your experience or will they hamper you severely by restricting your choices?

Basically, you can't know.

However, try to have a beer with your new collegues first.
Usually you can get them to tell you about what type of place it is to work.

Comment Re:Cancer isn't one disease (Score 1) 366

This is not an issue.

Evolution isn't doing anything useful at the moment, it's not improving humanity.

The most useful and succesful are not the ones getting the most kids.

Evolution, as always, is working fine, it's just that we aren't creating an environment where it is useful.

Which is all well and good, living in such a society would be horrible.
Manipulation of genetics is the way to go though.

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