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Comment Re:Recognition (Score 1) 150

It's not exactly the name recognition, it's the name's reputation.

Nokia: well recognized, well liked brand with positive reception everywhere,except amongst developers that actually programmed for Symbian.

Microsoft: well recognized, universally hated brand, regular finalist in "most hated company" competitions,but appreciated by developers for their excellent dev tools/environment.

Marketing 101 says: they picked the right name but for reasons that aren't readily clear to the general public


Comment Re:Jamming unlinced spectrum is illegal? (Score 5, Insightful) 278

The ISM bands are not unregulated. Operations in the ISM bands are not protected from unintentional interference, but the FCC most certainly has the authority to, but chooses to abide by agreements with the ITU deferring to ETSI.

This is exactly what the FCC should be regulating, and not the content of TV or Radio broadcasts. This type of intentional disruption of service should be policed by the FCC.

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