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Comment Re:Go after em Nate (Score 2) 335

But he does talk about exactly that. Specifically about the relationship between per capita GDP and the expected death toll from natural disasters. How do you account for that if the reason isn't better, or at least more widely available, technology and preparedness. Is the counter argument that we are getting better at preventing damage from disasters faster than they are getting worse? That doesn't seem particularly different than his POV.

Comment Re:Read the update at the end of the article (Score 1) 335

If anything I thought it was part of his argument... cost in absolute terms is going up because GDP is going up, but going down as a share of GDP because wealth also allows us to prepare better for disasters (e.g. with better technology). I'm not in a position to say, but assuming that he hasn't doctored the data (which seems sadly common in this domain) it seems like an interesting assessment.

Comment Re:Go after em Nate (Score 1) 335

In fact, today’s climate models suggest that future changes in extremes that cause the most damage won’t be detectable in the statistics of weather (or damage) for many decades.

So he isn't a denier exactly. He is saying that damage from natural disasters is not a significant contributor to the damages at this point. Someone making a, data backed, nuanced argument about climate change... seems like its time to get the popcorn.

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

Comment Poor english (Score 1) 298

The key line from the transcript is "yes, it is limited bandwidth to cloud providers". You can translate that bad English into : "Verizon is limiting bandwidth to cloud providers" and get incensed or "Verizon has limited bandwidth to cloud providers" and have a complete non-issue. Given how unlikely it is that a low level CSR is going to know about Verizon's super secret throttling system I'm going with the latter.

Comment Re:HOSTS file (Score 1) 731

This is really only true because not very people run ad blockers, if there were there would be tons of money in getting around them and plenty of engineers willing to spend their time getting around them. Its not really even a very hard problem, there just isn't any money in solving it.

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