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Comment do not ask why (Score 1) 110

do not ask why someone might hate america so much they want to kill themselves and lots of other people....

be impressed by the ludicrously expensive fighter planes you paid for and pretend its a video game.....

never question the us government's appalling human rights record that serves as recruitment campaign for terrrorists.....

allways judge other countries by the corrupt puppet reigmes put in place by the WTO at the behest of the american government ....

allways believe fox news.....

Comment Re:You cannot tax a corporation (Score 1) 602

indeed , this also applies to punitive fines which is how a lot of taxes start out

the problem here is the limited liability of the company officers who are making these decisions.

untill we start fining shareholders , directors and investment brokers personally nothing will change

Comment Another setup from the big 4 accountancy firms (Score 1) 602

this is actually an announcement of new tax loop holes but spun as a shutting down old ones.

The big 4 accountancy firms in the uk regularly place staff in the treasury as a gift , this allows them to get privileged information about the the new tax rules , by the time the rules are implemented these firms already have tax avoidance schemes setup to exploit them which then they then sell on , typically each scheme will raise them several times the cost of the staff secondment to the treasury.

labour , libdem and conservative all do this , please if you can vote in the uk vote green so this will stop.

Comment Re:Concern for high values? (Score 4, Informative) 356

actually not , most people in the world are too poor to afford meat unless they grow it themselves and even then they eat it sparingly. This has been ever since humans have traded foodstuffs.

Meat is a diet for rich western people who have first world medical facilities , for most of the world , eating meat is a cruel joke , a slow suicide of the planet as land used for meat production is typically orders of magnitude less resource efficient.

there i fixed it for you , now please fix your diet and mindset

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