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Comment Re:What's the legality of the ISP sharing the info (Score 1) 121

I don't think so. There was a court order involved and it is something to do with the 'Digital Economy Act' here in the UK.

I love how this story is developing. A law firm not following the UK Data Protection Act? Now that's a thing to behold...
First Person Shooters (Games)

Gamer Plays Doom For the First Time 362

sfraggle writes "Kotaku has an interesting review of Doom (the original!) by Stephen Totilo, a gamer and FPS player who, until a few days ago, had gone through the game's 17-year history without playing it. He describes some of his first impressions, the surprises that he encountered, and how the game compares to modern FPSes. Quoting: 'Virtual shotgun armed, I was finally going to play Doom for real. A second later, I understood the allure the video game weapon has had. In Doom the shotgun feels mighty, at least partially I believe because they make first-timers like me wait for it. The creators make us sweat until we have it in hand. But once we have the shotgun, its big shots and its slow, fetishized reload are the floored-accelerator-pedal stuff of macho fantasy. The shotgun is, in all senses, instant puberty, which is to say, delicately, that to obtain it is to have the assumed added potency that a boy believes a man possesses vis a vis a world on which he'd like to have some impact. The shotgun is the punch in the face the once-scrawny boy on the beach gives the bully when he returns a muscled linebacker.'"

Submission + - City Council to provide iPads to 54 members (

jimbob666 writes: In this day of job threats and massive Local Government savings this seems very surprising. Not surprisingly it is causing a stir. To put it into some kind of context: This city council needs to save £100 MILLION and there is talk of up to 1,000 staff layoffs..

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