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Comment Re:Wristwatches are generally anachronistic (Score 1) 242

You and I have VERY different ideas about practical. A wrist chronometer is a tool, that fact that you prefer another tool to do the job doesn't change that. If you choose to look down your nose at that so be it. Do you think i wear my dedicated SanDisk Clip MP3 player for showing off too? Or maybe its to save battery life on my pocket communicator/reference library. Not everyone is you, labeling a perfectly useful and practical tool an anachronism shows the limits of your imagination. Cellphones are not 'better' chronometers, they are different. My watch has a proven track record, i value THAT in a time tracking tool far more than an extensive list of other things it does.

Comment Re:Wristwatches are generally anachronistic (Score 1) 242

"Neither are most watches that are actually affordable. Personally I don't really like to brag about the size of my bank account via jewelry but that's just me."

I paid $55 for my Guess brand watch with heavy stainless band FOURTEEN years ago. It has lasted longer than ANY other piece of tech i own with 2 battery changes. A good Chronometer is still a valuable and necessary tool in the Information Age. Get over your 'its like buggy whips' mentality.

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