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Comment Re:iOS NFC Only Being Used for Apple Pay (Score 1) 336

Its because the philosophy of the two are vastly different. Apple limits functionality for ease of use and profit protection, Android tries to give as much user freedom as is possible. Apple has no problem saying 'Thou shalt not do that, because i said so'. OF COURSE these two philosophies are going to clash.

Comment Re:Flash and Silverlight (Score 2) 61

Ugh. You cant even stop the screen from blanking in Ubuntu without executing SEVERAL command lines involving 3 separate processes. I like Linux, but damn they make shit harder than it needs to be sometimes. I would LOVE for Linux to at least have feature parity in simple stuff like disabling screen blanking. That sort of thing should be exposed in the UI, there is no excuse for that kind of incompetence.

Comment Re:Expensive and complicated? (Score 4, Interesting) 97

You are being purposefully obtuse. Not everyone had access to that kind of ongoing capital. A digital camera is a VERY different proposition than film. It is essentially a camera with unlimited film after the initial capital outlay. I know i waited until digital was ready before getting into photography because of this. All of the stuff you listed needs heavy infrastructure, time, deliveries, chemicals etc. With digital all you need is the camera, and a laptop to store them. 10-15 years ago was 1999-2003. I had taken well over 10,000 unique digital pictures by 2003 at a fraction of the cost of film.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 323

What part of 'i dont want it associated with my account in any way do you not understand?'. If I want the U2 album i will get it. Dont add it top my account. (this isnt unique to apple btw, Steam adds things to the library from time to time).

I bought A full suite of Apple gear at the beginning of the ipad 2 era (mac mini, ipad 2, iphone 4s) to properly evaluate their ecosystem ( as part of my job). I am not going ot give up my apple gear that I have in place, but im not going to buy any more either. I use mostly my NAS and its attendant apps over VPN for all my media needs. Im not outraged, im disappointed that Apple would be so incredibly blind that this would be an issue. It jsut reinforces my decision to move over to devices and ecosystems i have much more direct control over.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 3, Insightful) 323

No its not overblown. The issue at hand is that Apple thinks it can alter people's libraries at a whim. I dont WANT U2 in my collection at all. I have nothing against them, but i hate the fact that it was pushed into my face and into my library. I want my library to be composed of material I choose, not apple.

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