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Comment Re:Boeing thinks.... (beat frequencies???) (Score 1) 449

What we have here is multiple cases of an anomoly disappearing when a suspect device is turned off, then reliably reappearing when that device is turned back on.
Repeating this in the lab always fails.
What is missing in the lab, is the mix of OTHER devices that were likely active at the same time. Could this be a problem of beat frequencies being produced by the suspect device IN COMBINATION with OTHER devices on the aircraft?

Comment Re:it may actually be counterproductive (Score 1) 555

According to all the economic models I ever saw, it's exactly as good for the economy to spend $1000 on goods as to invest $1000 in a business (ie, stick the money in a bank account, bond, or stock market). This seems like total crap to me, but professional economists are a lot smarter than me.

Paul Krugman, a Nobel-winning econominist, also thinks that notion is crap, esp when the problem is lack of DEMAND.
If there's a sufficient demand for goods / services, money to provide those WILL materialize; conversely, if there is insufficient demand, money will hide in bank accounts / Wall Street casino games / overseas shelters rather than hire employees who aren't needed.

Comment Re:Had bad experiences when I was 22 and in port t (Score 1) 228

...While in dry dock, the boats have all kinds of cabling in the way preventing hatches from being closed. Forgot about that in my first post on this topic. So, no, you typically cant just walk up and close the hatch - not that you'd want to.

It is my understanding that since the sinking of the Guitarro, quick-disconnects for such cables are mandatory:

Comment Re:She's missing the point (Score 1, Insightful) 582

No, more likely the primary reason for TSA's existence (at least at the upper levels) IS the TSA's existence. Consider also the likelihood that the top management at TSA was likely appointed during Bush's reign, the same era of wonderfulness that got us 'heck of a job, Brownie!, a horse association lawyer, appointed to run an agency he had no qualifications other than political connections, for.

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