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Comment Don't like AP (Score 1) 155

I don't know what they teach in high school AP CS, but most such courses only lick the surface and are incomparable to proper college courses. Taking AP credit is only advisable for elective courses that does not require much rigor.

Especially for something as subtle and delicate as statistics, it would be better for the kids to learn the subject properly with the necessary rigor in college. The damage due to half-assed stat learning is all too prevalent in much of academia, especially softer sciences and social studies.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 619

Conventional odometer is easy to rig/disconnect. That's why mileage tax proposals involve new metering/tracking gizmo, and are pushed by whoever with connections to make a nice chunk of cash selling government-mandated metering gizmo.

More importantly, we are nowhere near your "30%" electric vehicles, and no one knows how things will stand 20 years from now. Idiotic to plan for inter-galatic travel with all its costs when we can't even put a man on Mars.

Comment Re:Good! (Score 1) 619

What we really need is to remove the gasoline tax and replace it with a mileage tax.

WRONG. Gas tax is the best measure. It's simple, it weighs in reasonably well who use up more of the road, and it requires no new gizmo/infrastructure/tracking - no new room for lining pockets of some well connected contractors. Plus, it's SIMPLE. Complicated regulation is a recipe for disaster.

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