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Comment Re:Antitrust lawsuit? (Score 1) 436

at most, Apple is now in the same position, not worse.

Except the part where the app store will not allow java.. where is the app store for windows again?
(and yes, you can release apps outside the app store. For as long as they will allow it. Good luck convincing people to install when the app store becomes the only place people look for software for macs)

Comment Re:he's right (Score 1) 779

I don't disagree with the rest of your post, but I think you are falling for the propaganda when you mention the "far left"..
When was the last time you saw the word socialism used in a positive context in the US? And socialism is only moderately leftist.
In order to be moderate in the grand scheme of things you have to stand way to the left of the mainstream US polititics.

Comment Re:Actually... (Score 1) 324

I think that (at least in the case of counterstrike) you are missing the point.. It's no more a weapons simulator than Arnold was an instructor in the proper use of a minigun.

The fun is obviously playing the game within it's ruleset.
Maybe you also beleive there is no fun in chess because in real life enemy castles can't relocate straight into your territory and kill your king while he's out for an evening stroll.

Comment Re:Hold on (Score 1) 380

However, It is a real thing, and from what I understand is debilitating, humiliating

Oh please. It's only humiliating if she think's being aroused humiliates her. Whose fault is that? And if it's all she can think about to the point of being debilitating, perhaps she should change jobs to something that involves sex or sextoys and get filthy rich. It's not a problem unless she wants it to be.


GameStop, Other Retailers Subpoenaed Over Credit Card Information Sharing 117

New York State's Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, has subpoenaed a number of online retailers, including GameStop, Barnes & Noble, Ticketmaster and Staples, over the way they pass information to marketing firms while processing transactions. MSNBC explains the scenario thus: "You're on the site of a well-known retailer and you make a purchase. As soon as you complete the transaction a pop-up window appears. It offers a discount on your next purchase. Click on the ad and you are automatically redirected to another company's site where you are signed up for a buying club, travel club or credit card protection service. The yearly cost is usually $100 to $145. Here's where things really get smarmy. Even though you did not give that second company any account information, they will bill the credit or debit card number you used to make the original purchase. You didn't have to provide your account number because the 'trusted' retailer gave it to them for a cut of the action." While there is no law preventing this sort of behavior, Cuomo hopes the investigation will pressure these companies to change their ways, or at least inform customers when their information might be shared.
Role Playing (Games)

Fallout: New Vegas Coming This Fall, Trailer Released 100

Bethesda announced today that Fallout: New Vegas is scheduled for release sometime this fall, and they released a trailer as well. Details are scant yet on the official site, but they had this to say: "Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry as you make a name for yourself on a thrilling new journey across the Mojave wasteland. A word of warning, however — while Vault-Tec engineers have prepared for every contingency,* in Vegas, fortunes can change in an instant. Enjoy your stay. (* Should not be construed as a legally-binding claim.)"

Comment Re:old news (Score 1) 503

Has it occured to you that your cat is trying to communicate with you?

It's not like the cat can sit up and say "Listen, that water is too warm and disgusting and making me drink it is making me very unhappy."

Instead of treating it as a fight for dominance between you and the cat, perhaps you should view it as an honest communication attempt and fix the water situation. It is obviously important enough to the cat to to have complained in the only way she can think of, non-stop, for years.

Comment Re:Fuck Apple too... (Score 1) 640

... the defeatist attitude that Linux is "not ready for the desktop" despite the fact that, at this point, it's easier to install than all competitors' products and easier to admin, maintain and upgrade than all competitors' products,

You hit the nail on the head. What linux (and indeed most of OSS) desperately needs in that lineup is "easier to use".

And the problem is systemic and self-enforcing. Because the culture of programmer-knows-best feels good to the devs of any project, attempts to improve usability (when not part of an organization that will enforce it) are ignored or actively rejected with nice friendly sentiments of "Shut up, make your own if you think you can do better." and similar that really helps motivate people.

Desktop linux (excluding being used as typewriter) is like having a metallurgically perfect hammer, but with the head rotated 90 degrees back and to the side. If you want people to use that hammer is it better to:
a) redesign the damn head, or b) tell them to develop the hammer-ninjutsu required to use it because it works just fine for you and metallurgist friends?

Comment Re:Advertising (Score 1) 107

Actually text-based or otherwise less "ad-looking" ads are proven to be more effective in every way, but a lot of people with money still seem to think it is completely obvious that the louder their ad screams the more it will sell their product/service.
Just to not break with tradition and car analogies; Kind of like how another group of people think putting as many huge subwoofers as possible into their cars obviously makes their music system better.

Comment Re:In MOST ways you don't need Flash (Score 1) 541

If someone doing that is reading this:

(Most people should know this but on the off chance someone doesn't and just happens to see this..)

It is extremely simple to do automated boundary-detecting screenshots with various plugins and/or tools.
Just do yourself a favour and accept that if someone wishes to keep an image that is displayed on their screen, they will.

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