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Comment Re:poaching?! (Score 1) 234

Yeah, it would only be "poaching" if the CMU and Uber were competitors in the same commercial market.

Not even then. "Poaching" is a term coined by employers to refer to competitors in a free market who thwart their efforts to keep employees locked into their job for the sole benefit of said employers and to the detriment of the employees. It's a term born of irritation because it thwarts their efforts to control their employees and exploit them. In a free market, employers would monitor conditions and know what their employees were worth and compensate them accordingly so they weren't willing to entertain better offers. On the downside, when the value of the employee decreases, the employer should feel free to reduce salary as well. The sword cuts both ways.

Comment Re:astrophysicist? (Score 2) 275

Well, thanks for elevating the level of discourse in this thread. I now regret I participated.

Pro tip: If you are going to argue on behalf of science, don't sprinkle your dialogue with expletives and ad hominem attacks. It doesn't cause people to think you're cool, they just dismiss you out of hand as a juvenile crank (and that's an insult to juveniles and cranks).

Raise the level of your game and try again. You seem to have potential, at least.

Best wishes.

Comment Re:2 thoughts (Score 1) 131

As to watching live streaming. Why do you assume you can do just one at a time, watch or do? I stream to about 100 people nightly, and many of those people are actually working on their own project(s) with me on in the background as a support/comfort/buddy layer.

Because multitasking doesn't work.

Comment 2 thoughts (Score 3, Insightful) 131

1. I watched a live coding session a month or so ago and lasted about 10 minutes (the first 5 I ignored because the streamer forgot to turn on audio) before I stopped. This is only useful for those who have enough time on their hands to watch someone code for hours at a time and can't find anything more interesting to watch. I just can't imagine sitting through this all the time.

2. For the developer who is streaming: You can get the same benefit (articulating your thoughts out loud) by using your cat, dog, infant or some inanimate object you can talk to (a Wilson volleyball, perhaps). You'll save tremendous amounts of bandwidth, storage space etc. and won't temp someone who should be making better use of their time to watch you so they can pretend they are doing something productive.

Comment Re:Wrong (Score 1) 85

The VideoLan website still says VLC for Android is a beta at version 0.9.10.

Someone is talking bollocks and, this time, it's not me...

It's listed at 1.1.0 at the Google Play Store, which might be considered more authoritative that what it says on a web page someone forgot to update.

F-Droid was a 1.0.1 a month ago, so same argument. F-Droid lags a bit behind with their releases, so I suspect they will be updating to 1.1.0 soon.


Surgeon: First Human Head Transplant May Be Just Two Years Away 210 (3830033) writes "Michelle Star writes at C/net that Surgeon Sergio Canavero, director of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group in Italy, believes he has developed a technique to remove the head from a non-functioning body and transplant it onto the healthy body. According to Canavero's paper published in Surgical Neurology International, first, both the transplant head and the donor body need to be cooled in order to slow cell death. Then, the neck of both would be cut and the major blood vessels linked with tubes. Finally, the spinal cords would be severed, with as clean a cut as possible. Joining the spinal cords, with the tightly packed nerves inside, is key. The plan involves flushing the area with polyethylene glycol, followed by several hours of injections of the same, a chemical that encourages the fat in cell membranes to mesh. The blood vessels, muscles and skin would then be sutured and the patient would be induced into a coma for several weeks to keep them from moving around; meanwhile, electrodes would stimulate the spine with electricity in an attempt to strengthen the new nerve connections.

Head transplants has been tried before. In 1970, Robert White led a team at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, US, that tried to transplant the head of one monkey on to the body of another. The surgeons stopped short of a full spinal cord transfer, so the monkey could not move its body. Despite Canavero's enthusiasm, many surgeons and neuroscientists believe massive technical hurdles push full body transplants into the distant future. The starkest problem is that no one knows how to reconnect spinal nerves and make them work again. "This is such an overwhelming project, the possibility of it happening is very unlikely," says Harry Goldsmith."

Comment Re:terminal illness (Score 1) 698

If this is what you consider "stuff that matters" I would suggest getting a copy of the obituaries. Newspapers put them out daily, and there are literally millions of them.

You know, you could have typed your message, enjoyed the cathartic effect of a little bit of snark, then clicked "Cancel". But no.

Since I'm dignifying you with a response, I'll point out that once the obituary is published, it's too late. You missed the point entirely.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 520

Rust, on the other hand, is something genuinely new: it provides completely memory safety without a requiring a garbage collector at all.

The only way to provide memory safety in a language without a garbage collector is to severely limit semantics. So, either the Rust designers are ignorant or the language is severely limited. In the case of Rust, Rust makes trivial memory allocation, the kind other languages simply optimize quietly for you, unnecessary complex, while failing to work in complex scenarios.

Rust is a badly designed language.

CItation needed. Please give examples to support your assertion, along with alternatives of better design.

Comment Re: Nim's community is very toxic. (Score 1) 520

Is that because it was named after a great hunter, or because it was named after the leader of the people that built the Tower of Babel - leading to the multitude of languages? Or are you going the Bugs Bunny route?

Because it has been a well known slur for a long time. Bugs' use of it only reflects society.

According to Wikipedia, citing the Dictionary of Jewish Usage, the use of nimrod as slang for dimwitted was first recorded in 1932, but was indeed actually popularized by Bugs Bunny in the 1940s. And apparently nobody knows *why* it became popular as an insult, because there's no real connection between the original meaning and the slang meaning.

Nimrod: The Story of a Name

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