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Comment Can't control the message (Score 1) 61

They're just mad they can't control the message, while Tiktok, even under the watchful eye of the Chinese Communist Party, pretty much doesn't follow the same rules that American social media does. I am not majorly bombarded with shit I don't want to see like I am with Twitter. Tiktok better curates my stream for me. Every now and again I pop up and say "Not Interested" in an account, but it's rare.

Comment Re:They are correct to be (Score 1) 168

Unfortunately that post doesn't share numbers in terms of how much the vaccine protects against infection. That said, we don't really have much data on XBB1.5 other than they're still highly recommending the bivalent booster to offer the best protection against XBB1.5. Lab studies have still shown it to be highly effective against severe disease with XBB1.5. Actual transmission numbers I can't find easily.

Source I could find:

The strong general consensus by folks significantly smarter in this field than I am is to go get your bivalent booster if you haven't yet.

Comment Re:They are correct to be (Score 2) 168

All things considered, vaccination and the human body are a lot more variable than I think folks possibly understand. It takes people years to even come close to understanding how this stuff works with the human body. The long story short of it is the bivalent booster is still very good to get, and still very effective overall; it's just that it's not *quite* as good at preventing initial infection of the disease. However, it's fantastic at preventing hospitalization and severe disease--which is ultimately what we want.

Either way, I wouldn't take this number on face value and say it "doesn't work" as the person stated posting the article, but just that in one particular way it doesn't work as well.

This still doesn't mean it's useless, and it still doesn't mean you shouldn't get it. You absolutely should get this vaccine. Not the least of which because it can significantly cut down on variants developing, substantially impacts the distribution of the virus. Making people less sick for a day means less chance of viral spread--especially in folks who can't get time off of work and have to work sick (because of course we require this in the US).

A room full of vaccinated individuals is going to fair much better than a room full of unvaccinated folks if someone walks in with covid, that's for damn sure.

Comment Re: Meh (Score 1) 32

Yeah. I mean thatâ€(TM)s where something AzureADâ€(TM)s CAE comes into play. And requiring compliant devices. Because it literally ties the token to the device at that point. There might be a very small period of time the token is useful off the device; but thatâ€(TM)s likely regardless of platform.

The only way to â€oeguarantee†this is every single chat message be sent by requiring proof of presence with like a yubikey or something. And thatâ€(TM)s just not going to happen. Lol.

Comment Meh (Score 4, Informative) 32

Token attacks are nothing new and it's a long-known issue with browser-based and web-based authentication. I don't see why anybody is surprised. In fact, it was only last year that EA Games was hacked via Slack session cookies. Yet for some reason nobody lambasts Slack for that hack. How many web application developers implement continuous session token verification schemes? Next to none--because it requires application integration of the authentication platform (See: Okta Continuous Access/Microsoft Continual Access Evaluation).

Either way, these mechanisms *built into Teams* should be useful to limit or prevent someone from using the token away from the device itself--assuming you've enabled decent Conditional Access policies. You can, of course, always revoke the token from AzureAD as well if compromise is detected.

Perhaps I should work on this and explain how these tools work together.

Comment LOL sorry (Score 1) 141

Maybe make cities more freaking affordable to live in and maybe people will want to live there. Dear lord the housing market is massively fucked right now and if it keeps as-is or keeps going up, yeah--you're going to see a MASSIVE worker exodus over the next couple of years that will dwarf what happened during covid. Covid was the catalyst, and if rents keep skyrocketing there's no way in hell things will be going "back to normal".

I live in an upper middle class area in SoCal, and *studio* rents in my apartment complex are now going for $2500/month. For a studio. A fucking *studio* runs $2500/month. Thankfully, I can afford it. A vast many cannot, and even more so am I fucking stupid for trying? Shouldn't I just leave and work remotely and save like 1/2 the rent? Probably. Not only that, I live *45 miles* from work--in LA. During traffic, it's 1-1.5 hours per direction to go into the office. Not to mention in a hybrid vehicle it's $12/day in gas.

This is completely unsustainable and these buffoons are fucking stupid if they think it is. Fuck 'em. Go broke you assholes.

Comment Re:Except you may still have got it (Score 1) 101

wow, you're uneducated as hell. Flu can absolutely do this to healthy people. More often the case is that people mix what a "cold" and "flu" is when they get sick. And without proper viral testing, it'll be difficult to tell exactly which one is which. The easiest way to describe it is: A flu is generally worse symptoms than a cold--but that may not always be the case.

Either way, not every situation in which someone gets sick and dies is "because they had an underlying health issue". Sometimes you just roll the dice wrong and for whatever reason you get totally fucked over by whatever you're infected by. It's like saying that someone died from a brain eating amoeba while thousands of other people swam in the same water and didn't get the brain eating amoeba. There's nothing particularly special about why you may not have been impacted versus them. Just luck of the draw sometimes.

The flu can cause serious problems in even healthy adults. So the best recommendation is to get vaccinated.

Comment Pay more? (Score 1) 354

Is this not a simple issue of Supply & Demand?

A) UK kicks out tens of thousands of EU truck drivers. (Supply Reduction)
B) UK requires 100,000 truck drivers. (Demand Increase)
C) Companies in UK pay more for UK-based truck drivers?

I mean, I know that businesses don't want it to work that way--but clearly that's what people want. It also means the costs of goods will go up as the costs of delivery go up.

Comment Re:Let that be a lesson to you all (Score 1) 244

There's a very stark difference between protesting in the street, burning cars, and shattering some glass, and even stealing items; and attempting to overthrow our Democratic government. Like, there's a wild difference. The two can't even come close to being compared.

One group wants to be treated equally, and shatters some glass and maybe sets a few fires to make that known--and the other group wants to murder democratically elected officials because of conspiracy theories about "adrenochrome", "eating babies", "drinking blood", "the gays", and other bullshit.

Sorry, the two "sides" aren't comparable here.

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