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Comment Re:First sentence is a doozy. (Score 5, Informative) 334

In other news, guy with no qualifications makes unqualified statements...

But the issue is controversial and his opinions and standing are questioned by Dorothy Bishop, professor of developmental neuropsychology at Oxford University who says that although this is an important topic, Sigman's paper is not "an impartial expert review of evidence for effects on health and child development". "Aric Sigman does not appear to have any academic or clinical position, or to have done any original research on this topic," she said. "His comments about impact of screen time on brain development and empathy seem speculative in my opinion, and the arguments that he makes could equally well be used to conclude that children should not read books."

Comment Re:Whats the problem? (Score 2) 272

Care to update the wiki page? At least according to that....

ATV capable of 7,667kg to orbit.
Dragon capable of 3,310 kg pressurized ( + another 3,310 non pressurized)

Who knows... maybe just maybe NASA is paying for token payloads until SpaceX gets their flight rate up (and thus some notion of improved reliability).

Comment Re:More important... (Score 4, Insightful) 242

No its ridiculous (and yet another example of the idiotic entitlement mentality destroying this once great nation) to think that somehow the US deserves seats on the Soyuz because we helped build the ISS. We (the US) had a ride to space. It was our own pimped out space taxi. We no longer have that ride... by choice, by design, by policy, yada yada. It's not Russia's job to drive us to work just because we decided to scrap our old ride BEFORE building a new one. You want to do something (possibly) productive? Write to your representatives in .gov and tell them NASA needs more $.

Comment Re:What's the problem with building self-sustainin (Score 1) 248

Isn't that reason enough? What happened to ambition, curiosity, and doing things "because it's there?"

Actually Mr "because its there" died on Everest. Don't get me wrong in many ways George Mallory was an incredible individual. However, following in his footsteps is not the path to a positive outcome.

Comment Re:Design Reuse (Score 1) 146

The next generation rover Curiosity is launching around the end of November 2011. It makes the existing rovers look like rc cars. Having said that, I agree that along with bigger / better Curiosity, they should have considered a half dozen Spirit clones with different science packages. Though the issue isn't the cost of the rover, but delivering it. Its not cheap. I'd rather see the funding after Curiosity put towards a sample return mission.

Comment Re:Missing TFP (Score 1) 1486

They could rig the experiments, fudge the numbers, etc. and your average person would not be in a position to know it.

This is part of a sci-fi story... which one I can't remember... where the "friendly" aliens tell the people that the human scientists have been lying to them, hiding all kinds of technological breakthroughs, etc... to demonize the scientific community... who of course end up being the very folks who save humanity from alien annihilation!"

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Comment Re:Something odd (Score 1) 81

Yeah them chess stories sound awfully fishy. Also, as someone who lived in Tokyo for a year, I gotta say there is much variation in the microcosm that is Tokyo. Its not like a vast uniform wasteland of pachinko and soap parlors =)

I've been around Hokkaido, Kyoto, Okinawa, and more. The most "Japanese" experience to my mind at least... was exploring the Izu Hanto, just a day's train ride from the bustle of Tokyo. Your mileage may vary. To bfl, I would suggest that if you do go (and you should!)... go with as few expectations as possible. You'll enjoy it more. Even buying a loaf of bread can be an adventure sometimes.

Comment Re:Wow, terrible article (Score 1) 778

Agreed! My desktop... Ubuntu, my Mythbox... Ubuntu. My always on ancient laptop ... Puppy Linux (Ubuntu based now). I stick to the LTS images and don't move until a new release looks good wrt forum chatter. Thus far I'm pretty content. The only other dist catching my eye has been Mint and oh look what that is based on... ;-)

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