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Comment Re:If there was a Bad at Math Map... (Score 1) 1163

"The point is, Obama does not have a strong mandate and would do well to incorporate some of the moderate and conservative fiscal ideas into his policies going forward."

Well he has of course, by the standards of virtually the entire rest of the world, Obama is, at the absolute best, centre right. He's more right wing than virtually every world leader.

Comment Beware of namechanges (Score 5, Insightful) 629

It's very dangerous to rebrand because of how much you lose vs how much you gain. IBM makes bugger all money from "International Business Machines" these days but they wouldn't want to lose a brand everyone knows. Same for "Carphone Warehouse" in the UK, they don't want to lose the recognition despite the fact no-one has called a cell/mobile phone a car phone in 2 decades.

And Microsoft's stuff certainly isn't small. (*sidesteps hook*)

So despite the lack of "Radio" as their main business, they should REALLY look and see if the number of people who say "I don't need a radio I won't go there" might be outnumbered by the people who will end up saying "What the f is "The Shack"?". It sounds like somewhere you'd buy a very dodgy Hawaiian style shirt.

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