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Other Game Bundles For the Cost of the PS3 149

ImaNumber writes "When Sony announced the price of the PS3 many people were left dumbfounded at how expensive it was going to be. Microsoft joked that people would get the Xbox360 and the Wii instead. Brittlefish has taken this a step further and put together a list of some other gaming 'bundles' that you could buy instead of just getting one PS3. You might be surprised at what you can get for that kind of money."
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Other Game Bundles For the Cost of the PS3

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  • Jeez. Hate much? (Score:0, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 07, 2006 @07:52PM (#15680388)
    That's the second article in a row (on my home page) dedicated to bashing Sony and the PlayStation 3. Even the New York Post does a better job of hiding its biases than Zonk does.

    If you're personally offended by the very thought of someone, somewhere buying a PS3, you need to calm down. People blow their money on ostentatious things all the time -- let them! Must you make the world's purchasing decisions based on 100% rational thinking?
  • Well now... (Score:0, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:02PM (#15680433)
    Isn't Zonk going a bit overboard with the anti-PS3 stories? I mean, this one doesn't even have much thought behind it. "Stuff that matters", remember? There are a lot of legitimate gripes regarding the PS3 release; don't insult intelligent commentary with fanboy tripe like this.
  • by Clazzy ( 958719 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:03PM (#15680441)
    I know people are ranting and raving about the fact the PS3 is so expensive, but isn't Sony also trying to advertise the fact it is a media centre as well as just a console? I suppose if you remember that Sony are trying this angle too, the price seems more reasonable.

    Then again, the Xbox and Xbox 360 are both capable of playing DVDs and CDs just fine and they never had such a steep price tag...
  • Re:Well now... (Score:0, Insightful)

    by UbuntuDupe ( 970646 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:23PM (#15680539) Journal
    Sorry, but an honest comparison of the opportunity costs involved in buying something priced $X, and finding the conclusion shocking, is a legitimate gripe. When you spend $600, you shouldn't think in terms of "hm, do I got $600 to spare?". You should think, "what are the other things I could be doing with this money." Would you buy a $600 loaf of bread on the grounds you have $600 to spare? No, you'd recognize that you could get *better things* or more bread for the same prices. This is a very fair complaint about a console.
  • by Khuffie ( 818093 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:42PM (#15680632) Homepage
    This exact same sort of FUD about the 360 was going on in the months before it launched. But that has come and gone, and it's more fun to speculate/bash things that haven't come out yet instead of bashing things that have been out for months (old news).
  • Re:Well now... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by voice_of_all_reason ( 926702 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:45PM (#15680650)
    Screw those idiots. At least +1 insightful.

    I try to always do these little comparisons whenever I buy something. $1200 for a computer seemed like alot, and I could get the following for the same price: 120 DVDs
    PS3, Xbox360, and Wii
    About a month's worth of my ebay budget

    Still, doing the calculations and realizing I still wanted the PC made me feel that much better about spending the money. At the very least, I don't have to always wonder if I could've spent it better.
  • by Swordsmanus ( 921213 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @08:51PM (#15680681) Homepage
    I'm suprised he didn't include a PS2 or other "current"-gen home console bundle to take off the edge from the bias in the article.


    The "I love Sony Anyway" Bundle: ~$586
    Prices are from unless otherwise noted.

    PS2 ($130)

    Extra controller ($25)

    Guitar Hero ($70)

    God of War ($20)

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence ($30)

    GTA: Vice City and San Andreas ($40)

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 ($15)

    Resident Evil 4 ($40)

    NFL 2006 (even though arguably earlier versions are better and cheaper) ($30)

    Shadow of the Collossus ($40)

    Final Fantasy X ($20)

    Burnout 3: Takedown ($20)

    Virtua Fighter 4 ($4 used from

    Devil May Cry ($10 used from

    World Soccer Winning Eleven 6 Int'l ($20 used from

    Gran Turismo 4 ($20)

    NHL 2002 ($2 used from

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance ($25 used from

    Soul Calibur 2 ($15)

    Shipping if buying from ($10+)

    So you can get a collection of outstanding games across all genres instead of a PS3. Of course, if you're already a PS2 owner and own most if not all the games above (and more), then well this won't apply.
    And don't get me wrong, I don't particuarly love Sony. I actually own mostly Nintendo systems. But I'm suprised there were no current-gen bundles at all. I guess that takes too much effort for a professional web journalist!
  • by Fishead ( 658061 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @09:02PM (#15680729)
    Almost right.

    Think DRM.

    Consider the "media sentry" as hardware version of their rootkit!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 07, 2006 @09:07PM (#15680745)
    In reality, a large portion of the anti-Sony articles is representative of the bulk of the news and commentary that is on the internet lately; the positive news/commentary about the Wii is also representative of what is available.

    The way it works is this, Sony has been burning a lot of bridges lately; they seem to be gouging their most dedicated and well informed fans (their early adopters) with the price of the PS3, they have then demonstrated massive hubris and arrogance with their statements following their E3 presentation, and have yet to show any (game related) content that justifies the cost. Add to this the general damage the Sony brand has taken for releasing high priced electronic crap lately, the Root Kit fiasco, Sony's love for DRM and a generally poor performance of the PSP and you have a company which would have problem buying good press.
  • by jrieth50 ( 846378 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @09:40PM (#15680857)
    Why is it constantly necessary to remind Americans that people who might not live in the same country or speak/type in the same English form as you also post here on Slashdot. Centre = center. It's still English, get a clue you ethnocentric prick.

    Sorry, I've been silent after seeing this happen like 3 times today in different threads. Couldn't hold it any longer and I'm fresh out of mod points.
  • by Black Pete ( 222858 ) on Friday July 07, 2006 @10:01PM (#15680939)
    So submit some pro-PS3 news then.

    You have to admit that Sony's been doing a pretty good job of shooting themselves in the foot lately, and the lack of positive news about the PS3 reflect this. It's not as if there's a mass media conspiracy to muzzle pro-PS3 news; it's just that the PS3 really is doing that badly.

  • Re:Wow... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Babbster ( 107076 ) < minus berry> on Friday July 07, 2006 @10:27PM (#15681036) Homepage
    Man, thank God you got one of the most obvious and overused troll posts in history out of the way. Yes, any parent who lets their children watch television and/or play videogames is doing a lousy job and doesn't even really like their kids. It's good that people like you are around to point that out.
  • Re:Well now... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Babbster ( 107076 ) < minus berry> on Friday July 07, 2006 @10:37PM (#15681067) Homepage
    It's just the way things are being talked about all over. The idea that Zonk/Slashdot has some inherent anti-Sony bias may be true, but the Zonk-haters out there would be hard-pressed to find new articles out there talking about how great the PS3 will be and how Sony is giving gamers a great gift with its released.

    What folks don't seem to understand is that Slashdot isn't a news generator. It's a news linker. It would be exactly like getting upset at Google because a search generates negative press about the PS3. If anyone is to blame, it's Sony and the writers of the linked articles. But, then again, maybe the people here at Slashdot subscribe to the "If you don't have anything nice to say..." know, until they get a chance to bash something they dislike.

    Personally, I hope that the PS3 turns out to be a kick-ass game console that, after a year or so, I'm ready and willing to buy. Until that happens, though, it seems too expensive for its intended purpose, and I'll be purchasing other game systems in the meantime.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 08, 2006 @12:54AM (#15681545)
    If I want to spend $600 on something that's more than a console I'll just upgrade my PC thank you very much.
  • by EGSonikku ( 519478 ) <> on Saturday July 08, 2006 @01:25AM (#15681618)
    "This Sony product is cheap compared to this other Sony product!" is not a very valid point when Sony controls the pricing on both.

    I rather imagine this is how it happened at Sony HQ (in the land of Mordor, on the slopes of Mount Doom...)

    [SONY EXEC A] We may have a difficult time selling the PS3 at $600 ...

    [SONY EXEC B] Hey! Iv'e got an idea! Lets just charge $1000 for our Blu-Ray player that no one will buy! By *comparison* the PS3 seems incredibly cheap!

    [SONY EXEC A] Great idea! In fact, we don't even *need* to make the standalone player! We just announce it and a price and keep delaying it untill after the PS3 is out! It's whole point in life will just be to sit there and look expensive next to the PS3!

    [SONY EXEC B] BRILLIANT! Lets go make some hats out of money and torture some kittens.

  • by Londovir ( 705740 ) on Saturday July 08, 2006 @01:33AM (#15681646)
    I'll grant you that your point about the comparison being flawed is legitimate. But, I'll also say you're missing the point, perhaps. I worked at Toys "R" Us for almost 10 years, first as a department head in RZone (videogames/electronics), then as a store manager. I was there for everything from the very tail end (IE, it's dead, Jim) of SNES/Genesis up to PS2/XBox/GC.

    You know what I noticed in all of those years? The bulk of our shoppers fall into what I'd call the "clueless" demographic. They come to buy a system as a gift, or for their home, and they generally are shopping for some kids, somewhere. They looked at 2 things almost every time: the price tag, and the endcap display unit. That's about it. They didn't look at specs, or feature lists, or future expandability.

    A typical shopping experience would be as follows: Shopper comes into the area, strolls around, stands watching the endcap displays (and occassionally plays one), then walks over to the display case to get the skinny on the cost. Usually they'll ask a couple of basic questions (how many controllers in the box, what kind of plug-ins do I need, etc). Now, the thing is, most of these were parents (maybe grandparents) and they wanted to get the most for their money. Plain and simple. They know that the kids/teens are looking to rip that sucker open, chuck in a game (not movie), and get pwning on some n00b.

    I think maybe 3 times in 10 years did I run into a shopper who truly knew, or wanted to know, all of the particulars about a system. I would be astounded to be discussing polygon counts, resolutions, DVD/CD speeds, etc, with a shopper. Usually it was the same-old, same-old: I have $400, how can I get a machine with the most games. Or, perhaps, they would ask about backwards compatibility (now that's the one place I'll grant the PS3 will probably be more attractive).

    So, here's my take. I think the kind of bundles mentioned in the article are going to be the exact sort of mental processes going on in most shoppers, whether you think it's a fair comparison or not. I know shoppers - I was PAID to know shoppers. People like quantity, especially when they're spending that much money. To spend $600 (or $500 even) and just walk home with a box with a machine and 1 controller, but no game, is going to be a serious case of sticker shock for a lot of "regular" shoppers. Especially when people could likely buy an XB360 (which might be $399 by then, never know) and a game, or a Wii and 2 or 3 games. HDMI? Half the "regular" shoppers won't even be able to use that. A large hard drive? That is relatively meaningless to many shoppers - witness the continued popularity of PS2 without one versus an XBox with one. (That was a major training point by Microsoft for us retailers: hype the hard drive and it's possibilities. It'll make sales. Never did.)

    And as for BluRay? Why is that relevant to a majority of shoppers? I can tell you that when PS2 came out, DVD playback was never a major selling point at all. It will generally always be the case that a dedicated machine will be more feature enriched and [once a generation has passed] cost far less than a do-it-all machine. I'll grant you that a PS3 will be cheaper than a standalone BluRay for a relative time, but I will also say it's more than likely that given a year, perhaps, a BluRay player will probably drop down to the same (or less) than a PS3, and will also likely end up with more features. It's just common consumer electronics history. We rarely sold PS2s because they could -also- play DVDs - people wanted a videogame machine, plain and simple. (Ask XBox how that whole DVD Playback kit deal ended up...)

    The PS3 is trying to do too much, and stuffing BluRay into it is the one thing which will cause it to lose perhaps 30% of the potential sales it could have had. Sony could have gone with HD-DVD, had the advantage of launching AFTER the XB360, and they would have been able to nearly match the XB360 price. PLUS they would have had better backwards compatibility

Repel them. Repel them. Induce them to relinquish the spheroid. - Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team
