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Louisiana Passes Violent Games Bill 157

GameDaily is reporting that the Louisiana House has passed a violent games bill, aping similar legislation from across the country. From the article: "The bill would allow a judge to determine if a video game is 'patently offensive to prevailing standards' and if it's appealing 'to the minor's morbid interest in violence.' If the title meets these "criteria" the game could be ordered to be pulled from store shelves. Furthermore, someone found guilty of selling one of these games would face fines of between $100 and $2,000, and a prison term of up to one year. According to the Associated Press, even though several members of the House questioned whether the bill would be in violation of the First Amendment, none felt they should vote against the measure."
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Louisiana Passes Violent Games Bill

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  • Re:so... (Score:3, Informative)

    by hab136 ( 30884 ) on Thursday May 18, 2006 @12:29PM (#15358248) Journal
    That can't possibly be legal. A 12 year old with a .22. If he killed someone, you're parents would have gone away for life.

    Handgun purchases and posession are severely restricted and even outright banned in some states. Rifles are not.
    As far as I know, a rifle is legal to purchase by anyone 18 and up in all states. Posession is not restricted, so if a 12 year old receives a rifle for his birthday, no problem. A rifle on a farm is a valid and necessary tool, and I've known 12 year olds that could handle them responsibly.
    (above assumes you're not a convicted felon, mentally incompetant, etc)

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