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Current Top 10 Oblivion Mods 85

For those of us playing on the PC, the Oblivion experience has only gotten better since launch. Planet Elder Scrolls has a short blurb on ten promising mods already released by the community. The top two have been running on my system for slightly over a week now; I highly recommend BTMod (mentioned by Tycho last week) and Natural Environments.
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Current Top 10 Oblivion Mods

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  • by empvirus ( 881998 ) <empvirus@hotmail.com> on Friday April 21, 2006 @02:20PM (#15175561)
    The D&D portable hole! Literally 6 feet wide and 10 feet deep. It's loaded with chests and stuff so you don't have to carry it around on your back. And you can access it whenever you wish.
  • by Feanturi ( 99866 ) on Friday April 21, 2006 @06:21PM (#15177770)
    I haven't been able to understand why people feel there is no sense of accomplishment with leveling. Because the monsters get harder and have better stuff on them after you level? So what? When I level, I have been developing my character and can do more things better, that is accomplishment. Oh but now the monsters aren't weak little babies compared to me, so that reduces my accomplishment somehow? Why? If the monsters have gotten too hard, you have to start playing smarter. Any game I've enjoyed has made the game get harder as you advance, otherwise where is the challenge? I guess if your goal is just to become some uber one-hit-kill-wonder then Oblivion is not for you.

    The version of Oblivion that some people seem to want to play goes something like this pencil-and-paper roleplaying session:

    DM: Ok guys, got a good one planned tonight, get out your 15th level characters!

    P1: I can't wait to try out my new sword of troll-slaying!

    P2: I got a new spell after my last level too, this is going to rock..

    DM: Ok, so, you're walking in the forest and you meet 2 kobolds.

    P1: ...

    P2: Umm, are they really big kobolds or something?

    DM: No, they're like, first level.

    P1: Ok. Well I swing at one.

    DM: He dies.

    P2: I swing at the other one.

    DM: He dies.

    P1: Ok, now what?

    DM: You walk along further in the forest, the air is still, you sense danger nearby.

    P2: Oh good, here we go now..

    DM: You hear a rustle in the bushes and out jumps... A kobold.

    P1: I throw a rock at him.

    DM: He dies.

    P1: You know what? You really suck as a DM.

    P2: Leave him alone man, I feel so UBER!!

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