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The 2000 Beanies

Category: Best Unix Earcandy 16

Is there a set of sounds that you've carefully matched to your every move in X? Or is there an album you believe personifies your computing experience? Or perhaps you firmly believe that having CowboyNeal making beat-box sounds in your ears is just what you need. If your answer is the last of those three, than you should try to deafen yourself. Otherwise, head over to the nomination area and show where your ear is aligned.
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Best Unix Earcandy

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  • Earcandy *and* a good movie. what more can I say?
  • by Signal 11 ( 7608 )
    xmms, the clone that's better than winamp. Supports writing to disk, playing back midi, mp3, .au, wave files, oss direct hw access, eSound, and soon KDE. How much more versatile can you get? Oh yeah, and it has some nice eye candy too - the visualization plugins.
  • This is an excellent piece of ear *and* eye candy. Simply enter the following into a term:

    xsynaesthesia cd &

    And chill...

  • In the interest of being on the right side of Rob, Jeff, et al., I will nominate Geeks in Space ;-)
  • I'd like to nominate the Icecast project []. After the huge hype of Shoutcast [], which allowed anyone with WinAmp to repeat their MP3 audio to a server (thusly to many listeners), these people sat down and said "We can do better -- and we can do under the GPL." The rest is history.

    With the latest stable release being v1.3, they have allowed many to setup their own MP3 streaming music servers. It's very handy for setting up (via a program like Yell or Shout, which send the MP3s to the server without reencoding) a small 486 box in the corner that can be a jukebox for an entire LAN. They have also pioneered some important updates to the defacto Shoutcast standard.

    An interview [] with Jack Moffitt, the team leader, is available from LinuxToday []

    Note: Their parent sponsor, Greenwitch [] has been down since the 1st of January, with DNS service non existant. As I write this message, their DNS is still not working. The DNS fixes are propagating, and the Icecast people are available on #icecast.
  • Don't forget The Score by Don Davis. MP3ify both of them, load 'em into sonique and shuffle play. The perfect mix from the perfect movie.
  • I love xmms.
    I also listen to geeks in space so...

    How about xmms playing Geeks in Space.
  • They gave a great show at the first LinuxWorld Conference/Expo. I know a lot of people wanted to talk and were annoyed to have such loud music, but the show was great anyway. Plus, they're a truly geeky band.


  • This is the obvious choice for me. It doesn't really matter which version of FF, they all have the best music (by far) that I've ever heard in a video game. Nobuo Uematsu is a genius. I rarely play video games any more, and the last time I actually played FF was FF III many years ago, but I still love the music, and have a CD full of MP3's that I listen to all the time. I can't help but wonder if it was the music that subconsciously attracted me so much to the Final Fantasy series when I was younger moreso than the actual game.

  • I suggest ARTS (Analog RealTime Synthesiser). It's a very interesting project and will be included with KDE2.
  • Well my favourite earcandy is most certainly Björk [] -- you know the carzy little Icelandic woman that runs around in mad dresses and sings strange songs to the mountains and everything...

    No, but seriously, I think her music has depth and emotional substance... Plus I can really get on with some of the later remixes (e.g. the Hunter remixes and All is Full of Love). Also the Potage Du Jour remix of Alarm Call is really cool with her going "wooo-ooo-oooh-wooo"....

    I'm no f***ing buddhist, but this is enlightenment ;)

  • Primordial Atmosphere from [] is so dreamy.

  • as sung here [] by RMS....
  • Does it count even if it's still in 'beta' ?
    Quasimodo [] is pretty swanky (and very powerful) even though it hasn't reached the scope envisoned by it's author..
  • I hate to be pedantic, but ARTS is being dropped from KDE 2, at least for now. ARTS is based on CORBA, and KDE 2 has dropped all CORBA dependencies.

    Personally, I've been pretty impressed by what I've read about ARTS. It seems to have quite a clean, flexible, and powerful design. I kinda hope the KDE 2 ends up giving support for ARTS as an option, as ARTS has the potential for being a standard sound interface for all of Linux.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite." -- Bertrand Russell, _Sceptical_Essays_, 1928
