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PlayStation (Games)

Journal FiddleToRome's Journal: Psychology II rocks

Pyschology II is an awesome in the first place, but today it went to a completely different level. We were discussing gender differences again. This time spatial abilities were brought up and how males typically have better spatial abilities; likely the result of more childhood activity. To demonstrate te point, Mr. William's brought in a PS2 and Gran Tourismo 3. This is, obviously, completely out of character for him, but the point he wanted to make was valid. We had an assortment of guys and girls play it and then looked at the completion times for the course. Out of the six couples that played, the guys won five of the times (the loss being by two seconds to a girl who had the game at home). It was pretty interesting. I don't think anything could ruin my day after that. Even the dentist appt didn't phase me in the least.
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Psychology II rocks

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...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
