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Journal Zeriel's Journal: So neglectful, so busy

Yeah, winter is slack time for my company. Which means it's crunch time for us infrastructure people--upgrade the production systems at the low ebb, y'know?

Shrinking Zeriel Project: 192ish. I seem to have plateaued. Probably related to the lack of motivation to exercise.

I want a new job. I don't need this shit with my boss being alternately snarky and condescending all day. He thinks it's funny. I've told him repeatedly that it's not. He seems to want to be friendly and easier to work with in other respects, so I don't know if he's just brain-dead or actively trying to fuck with me.

Also, I don't make enough money to do what I want to do (namely, support the fiancee while she works on her novel, degree, and freelance writing).

Wedding planning sucks, too. But that's a rant for another time, I think. When I'm less busy.

So don't think I don't love all y'all just because I haven't posted in a while. I'm still lurking, but too busy to type. =/

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So neglectful, so busy

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