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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: A point a day, that's all they want 5

I have absolutely no time, and 5 more mod points. It's been every three or four days since the start of 2005! I'll do my best, but they expire tomorrow, so help me out or else I'll go blow them in the Politics section. :o

Update: Good thing I blew 3 points yesterday on pseudo-random posts, because today they're gone. We'll see by next Monday whether my failure to use all my mod points leads to their being revoked. If not, we'll play again soon!

Further update: It's Monday, and I have 5 more mod points (they expire tomorrow, which means I actually "got" them on Sunday). Guess that means I'm still in the good (?) graces of the Slashcode. I'm going to follow some suggestions in the replies to this posting...

Another day, another point: It's Monday again, and 5 more mod points. I blew four steering the Linux Robots article towards embedded devices, and #5 went to a redundant AC (I wimped out and used "Overrated" whining about the inaccurate Slashdot summary text (now corrected) about Ice on Mars. See you next week!

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A point a day, that's all they want

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  • Maybe I'm just a lazy, un-worthy moderator, but the way I've been doing it, is I wait for an interesting new topic to show up as a preview (I subscribe so I see them early). Once it goes live, I'll burn the 5 mod points in the first 50 or so posts to that thread. With a fresh enough topic, it's early enough to maybe shape the discussion by bringing up useful statements. I rarely will waste a mod point slapping someone down; there seem to be enough mods out there that are free with the "flamebait" and "of
  • Some of us have had to leave our homes [] in order to get mod points again.

    And with the Firefox/Slashdot render issues requiring us to refresh 1/3 of the pages we viist, we're still at a disadvantage.

    Just kidding. I usually either spend my points on posts to new article, especially if I think the conversation is going astray, or I look at my friends list and start going down the line. Oh, yes, and I've been known to look at the people who hate me, too :)

    Anyway, that's why you'll see journal responses modded

Remember: Silly is a state of Mind, Stupid is a way of Life. -- Dave Butler
