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Journal FiddleToRome's Journal: Psychology: gender differences 5

Today in Psychology we focused on gender differences. The first part I'm going to bring up is that girls tend to have a few close friends and guys tend to have more aquaintances. That is how I am, there's no disputing it. For the most part I do have lots of aquaintances. The next part will clear up the next part about close friends. Girls talk to their friends and guys don't. Sure we go hang out and whatever, but there isn't really much of substance. That is pretty much true also. I don't have friends who I tell anything significant. For example, today I think I only talked to my friends about movies, school, people, and sports. Do I ever talk about what most people would consider "significant?" Nope. It's not a bad thing, I prefer resolving things on my own and then not being bound to a decision by my word. If I say something to someone and then have a change of heart, it is not easy to go back on it without being able to provide some sufficient cause or reason. There were a bunch of other neat social things we talked about in psychology, but people don't like reading long entries, so this is the end.
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Psychology: gender differences

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  • Something to note: in the context of the discussion "best friends" != "close friends". I just figured that should be clarified.
  • Men are from mars/Women are from venus. It has a really dumb title, but if you can get past that the book is really enlightening. I listened to it on tape (on the 6 hour drive to go to court to finalize my divorce no less) and then watched the friends I was staying with exhibit the exact same patterns that are in the book. For example, the book mentioned that when hearing a problem from a friend, most men tend to want to "fix" the problem (offering solutions) while women typically just want someone to liste
    • Thanks Nizo, I'll look into that. Psychology is definitely one of the most interesting classes I've gotten to take in high school, probably because it is actually useful (unlike most of my classes which just build on previous ones I've taken with very little useful content to them). I'm sure that it's a different section of psychology and is likely presented very differently, but Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is an interesting book about how people react that I found to be pret
      • Interesting, I wonder if it is yet another useful book with a really dumb title :-) And you better believe it, psychology is applicable in everyday life. Sadly I never got to take psych classes back in high school, but I really liked the ones I took in college. I think part of the reason I liked them so much is the teachers were actual professionals in their fields, rather than the typical "armchair academic" you often see teaching college classes (or worse, a grad student who hates teaching. Some grad stud

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