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Journal FiddleToRome's Journal: Live from New Port Richey, it's Saturday Afternoon!

Last week I typed without the aid of one finger, this week it is without the use of an eye. Bill, who has hit me in the face every game he's been at, hit me in the face. Forearm/elbow to the left eye (my better eye vision-wise). He also split my lip on another play, but that doesn't matter. Not that the eye really does: it's not terribly noticible in my opinion and doesn't hurt (though it is becoming a bit cold from the ice). Next game I think I'll give Bill a subtle knee to the nuts (impressive aim, I know) -- or as subtle as a knee to the nuts can be.... Oh well. I'm not sore, so I might end up going for a run tonight. I may also eat that steak I refused to waste on my eye.

Yesterday, after getting some computer stuff, JJ and I went to see Million Dollar Baby. It was a good movie -- I wouldn't go see it again because of the last third being a definite change in the momentum and pretty sad. Anyway, I was watching it at one point and thinking that black eyes looked like they really sucked and that I was glad I never got one. Well, I took karate for a couple of years and never got one, nor from any of the other sports I've engaged in over the years. I was talking to my mom about the irony of it and she told me that I actually had one when I was about two and a half years old. So, so much for that: this is my second shiner.

On an unrelated note, my laptop should be coming in this week. That right there is enough to pull another week of school out of the gutter.

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Live from New Port Richey, it's Saturday Afternoon!

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