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Journal memfree's Journal: restriction of rights ain't just for software.

My ex-step-dad is a manic-depressive who has written several novels, and has had several non-fiction articles published.

This weekend, he told me a recent copyright escapade. I'll paraphrase as if he were the one writing it so it as to be as close to his words as possible. Oh, and I'm omitting his name to protect his privacy.

  • ... So I'm doing research, and I go to Kinko's and ask them for a color copy of a page from one of the source books. The kid at the counter says that they cannot make a copy of any bound material because it would infringe on the copyright.

    I say, "I don't want the whole article -- just this page."

    He's shaking his head and blowing me off, so I say, "Look. I have the right to copy it under the terms of Fair Use".

    He says he can't.

    So, I pull one of my books out of my briefcase and show him the copyright page.

    I said, "See that? Copyright © 2001 [First Name Middle Last]. I AM [First Name Middle Last]. Look! Here's my I.D."

    And I pull out my driver's license and show him. And my social security card, and my credit cards.

    "Now will you make a copy of that for me?"

    He says, "No, we can't copy anything like that."

    "But I OWN the copyright. "Look! [First Name Middle Last]; [First Name Middle Last]. Copyright. Copy. Right. The United States of America grants ME -- and me alone -- the RIGHT to COPY this book. I own it. I want to exercise my legal right to copy MY book. Will you make me a copy?"

    He says, "Ah-uh n-no. We can't copy it. Its against the rules."

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restriction of rights ain't just for software.

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