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Journal memfree's Journal: Movie Reviews (link to/for mina)

I watch too many movies. To make it feel like less of a waste of time, I've been writing mini-reviews of them whenever I get around to it. This year, I'm finally getting more diligent about doing so.

As such, this entry is just so I can link to my mini-reviews. Vanity, I know.

Most the flicks I see are indie/art-house/festival types. Since anyone can find scads of reviews everywhere, I try to limit my comments to how I felt about each film, and what I found interesting in any Q&As there might have been.

As an aside, Minority Report bothered me so much I had to write a big criticsm of it. It will ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it, so please don't read it unless you want spoilers.

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Movie Reviews (link to/for mina)

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