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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Too much of a good thing: more mod points! 5

Update 2/1: 5 more mod points! I'll just add it all here. But that makes 30 mod points since 1/4, still averaging a point a day. Did I die and become an Editor, or something?

Yep, I got 5 more mod points today, expire on 1/28. That makes 25 mod points since 1/4 -- about a point a day, averaged out.

The problem is that there's a huge crisis at work -- not a deathmarch, just a lot of work to do. There's no way to spend time on Slashdot and find good posts. So someone please point me in the right direction -- feel free to plug your own worthy posts!

Update: I added an "Insightful" to a child of this already +5 post. It's actually funny, but I think it's worthy of a Karmic boost.

Here's one: It's only freakish weather if your lifespan is less than a few hundred years. Unfortunately for those trying to determine the threat posed by global warming, we humans tend to come in on the short end of that range. When my 14-year-old asked whether tsunamis, South Texas snow, and California mudslides were harbingers of The End, I pointed out that the early 1800's saw A Year Without a Summer... and Armageddon didn't come then, either.

The story was a dupe, but the use of the Digital Electric Corporation's logo on an article about Digital Satellite Radio brought howls of disdain from old-school IT pros like myself. I up-modded a couple of replies in the thread (and added that second one as a Friend, 'cause of his cool journal entries).

I gave away a mod point from the second batch (!) to one of the folks kind enough to reply to this posting -- see comments for details.

Time to put on the evil moderator hat. I was going to mod down some replies by people who just didn't get the joke -- carbon monoxide isn't really that much of a problem in space, nor is dihydrogen monoxide for that matter. But I ended up up-modding a couple of replies from folks that did get it: the original poster and a funny disclaimer (modded as insightful to give karma). Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball!

Another funny informative post. I'm getting desperate.

Last one. I'm the "insightful" mod among the "funny". At this rate, though, I should have mod points again on Monday. See you then!

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Too much of a good thing: more mod points!

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  • ...because my slashdotting hasn't changed much if any, and you're getting points, and I'm not. I'm not complaining, it's just wierd that before I was getting them all the time and you weren't, and now it's the other way around. Unless this is one of those random streak-seeming things and means nothing. Hard to know/care...
    • And it's not like your UID is that much higher than mine, either. It's just too strange. Sometimes I wonder if writing journal entries *about* moderation has somehow led to more mod points -- and if so, is it something in the Slashcode or someone's personal intervention?

      If some Slashdot staffer has chosen me for bonus mod points, all I can say is... I salute your excellent judgement. :)
  • Just go to your friends' pages and look at their posting history. You'll usually find something in there to mod up.

It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
