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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: Ghost Article: Global Trends In 2020 1

Ghosts of Slashdot: 01/24/2005
[I haven't found it, but I suspect this must be a dupe. The site has a note dated 1/17/05 saying "Since the release... the increased volume of users has uncovered some instability in the newly-developed web version..." That sounds like a Slashdotting to me.]

Global Trends In 2020
Posted by Hemos in The Mysterious Future!
from the just-like-shadow-president dept.

wiredog writes "From the National Intelligence Council of the US Central Intelligence Agency comes the report, Mapping the Global Future on Global Trends in 2020. From the report:' The nation-state will continue to be the dominant unit of the global order, but economic globalization and the dispersion of technologies, especially information technologies, will place enormous new strains on governments. Growing connectivity will be accompanied by the proliferation of virtual communities of interest, complicating the ability of states to govern. The Internet in particular will spur the creation of even more global movements, which may emerge as a robust force in international affairs.' You can read the Executive Summary. You can also play with the online and downloadable models!"

What are the Ghosts of Slashdot?
As a Slashdot Subscriber, I get to see stories before they're posted to the general public. This means that I get to see the mistakes -- the articles that almost made it, but got sent to the cutting room floor at the last minute. They become the Ghosts of Slashdot, a URL that points to nothing.

Note that this is NOT the same as whining about article submissions that didn't get accepted! These stories were accepted, posted for subscribers, and then pulled from the site. Their brief existence gives us a glimpse into the Slashdot post-submission process, for those who are interested in what's going on behind the curtain.

Other Subscribers have joined the Ghost Hunt!
Here's a partial list:

more to come...

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Ghost Article: Global Trends In 2020

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