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Journal RobertB-DC's Journal: I got mod points for my birthday, wow. 3

Just when I thought that the New Year's moderation giveaway was over... I get more mod points! I figured it was just a matter of holiday absenteeism among the Slashdot population, causing the code to spread X mod points among (Y-Z) active Slashdotters. But now I wonder if I've done something right, at least in the eyes of the Slashcode.

This makes a total of 20 mod points assigned to me since 1/4/05. This is better than the Slashdot Beta Test! Happy birthday to me!

But as usual, help would be appreciated. Please post any suggestions of worthy postings.

Updates: Upmodded one of the few relevant posts to a Science section story.

See comments for the second point.

I'm running out of time, so I threw out a funny mod.

And I blew the last two on a story in Politics. Moderating in the Politics section is like throwing pennies in a fountain: it's better than throwing them away, but it doesn't do anyone any good, except for the little kiddies that reach in and grab a handful of change when their parents aren't looking.

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I got mod points for my birthday, wow.

Comments Filter:
  • Happy BD, and spend your mod points wisely! :D

    I can't believe how often you get mod points these days. Maybe you are getting all of mine ;)

  • to remember your fans comments, especially if they happen to share your birthday...

"I prefer the blunted cudgels of the followers of the Serpent God." -- Sean Doran the Younger
