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User Journal

Journal erockett's Journal: Long break is over!

Hey checkitout, I'm back now!

It's been a while, but I'm back. yay. So I'm gunna talk about how much I love wireless access today. So I spent all morning at this stupid SAT practice test. *All* morning. (digression: I saw some guy who I thought was Bergandine's son at the test site, but I don't think it was actually him). Then I spent the afternoon driving to Wisconsin to go skiing. Now I'm lying on the couch at the hotel we're staying at, typing away on my laptop (another new development, more later!) to my /. blog, with the wonderful wireless access we have here. Wireless! I love you. : )

So, other developments. The Wednesday before Turkey Day, my new iBook G4 arrived. It's beautiful! 14" screen, active matrix display, Panther installed... all mine! *hugs iBook* It makes me very happy. Shorah is my own Eve. Applegeeks is a great comic strip, all you great loyal followers of my blog (who are oh-so-numerous, I know) should read it.

Other stuff: Yesterday was Stephen's birthday. Happy birthday Stephen! And very happy Rose too, since she and Stephen are going to the Winter formal dance next weekend. Yay for Rose! I know she's very happy about it.

I'm thinking I'll keep this blog updated some when I have time, because it is kind of cool to have a blog.

Yeah, so, Con is in a few weeks, which is really great.


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Long break is over!

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If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly. -- G.K. Chesterton
