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User Journal

Journal datazone's Journal: delay my ass!

Dont you like it when you offer a free service to someone and they bitch and moan about it! I cant believe that people act the way they do. Well, i was going to add this entry earlier but i assume slashdot was having tech issues... no biggie, i understand how it is, hope people didn't bitch to them too much about it. Its not like they pay a montly membership fee to hang out on slashdot... maybe they should do that, that should clean up the site from all the losers who troll. and i guess it will give them a real reason to bitch for the first time.

Dude! iis sucks my left nut! i swear to god, i cant believe a program could be so damn brain dead! i am so sick about it, i will not talk about it... but believe you me, if i EVER meet ANYONE who has worked on iis for microsoft, they will have alot to answer for.

Found out something interesting today in the rfc for http.
It says that a browser should provide an option to turn off the "referer" feature. this way you can browse securly whithout leaving a trail and letting sites know where you just came from. Yet i dont see this option in any browser! WTF! so i was looking at mozilla/galeon to see if i can either get someone to put it in, or do it myself.

What would be really cool would to have a "referer manager".
so you can set which sites you want to or dont want to send referes from, and even have an option to specify a referer on a link. This would piss off alot of folks who like to track who is linking to them.. but you know what? FUCK THEM!
i am sick and tired of everything...

FUCK THIS SHIT TOO... i am going to play some diablo 2 exp

Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
