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Journal grolaw's Journal: How many years will the US be in Iraq

Well, I last Journaled about 364 days ago. The stunning lack of comments reminds me of why I don't blog (anywhere else).

January 3, 2005 - I'd bet quite a tidy sum that the debacle in Iraq will still have active US troops in 2020. I'd be pleased as hell to be wrong . . . but invade in haste and occupy at leisure. What's a few thousand US citizens' blood a year when the US controls Iraq?

The body of evidence points to only one thing: a decaying chaotic failure of US policy. Iraq = Lebanon writ large coupled with a world-wide recruiting program for every anti-American group. A success?

Afganistan - no country has gotten out of that nation whole - from the Brits in the 1830s to the Russians and now the US.

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How many years will the US be in Iraq

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