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Journal St. Arbirix's Journal: Overrated

I would just like to point out that the only comments of mine that have ever been marked overrated (out of 282 comments) were ones making any serious or implied jabs at a specific religion.

I freely admit that I can be an ass about such things and so I generally abstain from theological challenges, but it tickles me to know end to see a comment that has recieved many +1 ratings get a -1 overrated rating only when a specific religion is involved, and I assure you that I've made many overrated statements on /.

You would think that if the +1's weren't justified they would have been caught by meta-moderation, but /. nevertheless has an overrated rating specifically to battle too popular comments. I have received many redundant ratings in my time and even seen a couple off-topic or a troll but overrated has been restricted purely to discussions of religion that have already been marked highly as informative and interesting (but not funny, worth mentioning because I strive to make only bad and off-colour jokes about religion).

Also fun to see is how often I later get an underrated attached to a comment that's already overrated.

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