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Journal m50d's Journal: Looking forwards

I think I'm turning into a goth. I realised this a couple of days ago, looking for some t-shirts. I found the only shops with t-shirts I remotely liked were being run and patronised entirely by goths. I'm also finding this increasingly with music I listen to, people I like, and generally things I do.

I never made any conscious decision to do this. I've always been fiercely individual. But I've also always written bad poetry, been fairly but not completely non-mainstream, and moaned about how awful life is. I think I'm really at the age where most people actually stop being goths, but I've always been late developing socially (and early academically).

I've always aimed to avoid being part of any groups when I've thought of them at all (Whenever anyone asks me what I am, I say I'm just a simple country boy), except possibly "hackers". However, from what I read a lot of the goth stuff is about being individual. And I do like their music, and black suits me, at least better than anything else. And I've already convinced more than one person I'm a vampire.

So, time to get some black nail polish then? Comments anyone?


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Looking forwards

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