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Journal jeepliberty's Journal: Almonds, Honey Bees, Las Vegas..What are the odds? 2

I saw this story on CNN. Spilled Bees on Highway a Honey of a Mess.

Apparently a truck transporting 12 million bees to California to pollinate the state's almond crop crashed in Las Vegas during rush hour yesterday spilling honey and a swarm of pissed off bees.

Rather than try to round them up, they killed the bees with water from firehoses.

So now my question is: How is Blue Diamond going to pollinate its Almond crop? Will there be an almond shortage next year?

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Almonds, Honey Bees, Las Vegas..What are the odds?

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  • I wonder how they came up with 12 million bees, I think they meant 250,000 bees per hive maybe? As for an almond shortage, maybe they will hire a bunch of people to walk around with q-tips pollinating flowers? :-)
    • I actually hope there is an almond shortage. I hate almonds, and do you know how hard it is to eat around them in Almond Hershey Kisses? Ooh... wait. Nougat is made from almonds, and I like nougat. LONG LIVE ALMONDS!

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