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Journal mysticgoat's Journal: Now at 19 days!

Picked up another fan. That's two of them. He (prolly of that gender) has posted about 450 times over several years. He's taken 51 friends and only 1 foe; has 57 fans but 47 freaks. A lot of his friends and fans are the same. Mutual admiration society.

No friggin idea why this guy chooses me for a "friend".

Now done a total of 12 posts. Still only karma 3. My last posts got only a "1" score. Maybe the karmic score keeper is screwed up. Screwed the formatting on the last one and my really clever remark came out just crappy weird

Here's to looking at street lamps through the bottom of Gallo chianti bottles... <snore>

This is a stupid journal. That's okay though.

I program, therefore I am.
