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Journal Cyberdyne's Journal: Meme me up 3

spell your name backwards: eman ruoy
have you ever had a song written about you: nope
what song makes you cry: nope
what song makes you happy: varies; The Beach by Raymond Wave, but since's demise I can't find a copy
what's your all time fav. song? varies
what do you listen to before you go to sleep: random chunks of XMMS playlist, currently Phil Collins and a mix of other tracks
height: just long enough to reach from my head to the ground, which is quite useful.
hair color: brown
piercings: my gaze?

r i g h t _ n o w . . .

what color pants are you wearing: dark blue
what song are you listening to: Jean Michel Jarre - Aero
what taste is in your mouth?: cheese
whats the weather like?: cold, dark
how are you?: alive, last time I checked
get motion sickness?: no
have a bad habit?: remembering virtually everything, except things which are useful...
get along with your parents?: only when on different continents, mostly
boyfriend/girlfriend: the latter, please.
have a current crush: um... nobody specific.
have a big regret: regret is a part of being alive - but keep it a small part

f a v o u r i t e . . .

tv show: 24
conditioner: don't use them
book: whatever I'm reading at the time, really
non alchohol drink: root beer or Pepsi (Max/One)
alchohol drink: port or vodka
things to do on the weekend: sleep, laundry, read, listen to music, catch up on news

h a v e _ you _ e v e r . . .

broken the law: No, besides ITAR and some age limits
ever gone skinny dipping: no
made a prank phone call: no
tipped over a port-a-potty: no
use your parents credit card: Only with permission
skipped school: no
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: sort of
had children: not unless that memory gap's bigger than I thought, although it might explain a few things
been in love: yes
have a hard time getting over someone: yes
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: something like that

r a n d o m . . .

have a job: have been known to babysit big servers for currency
if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: striped
what makes you happy?: Power. Or good company and/or interesting experiences.
the next CD you're going to buy: don't know yet

w h e n _ was _ t h e _ last _ t i m e . . .

got an email: within the last few minutes
thing you purchased: food

w h a t _ comes _ t o _ mind . . .

car: bon
murder: of crows
cape: Kennedy
penis: spam
cell: nucleus
shoe: print
fun: da mental
crush: Jennifer Paige
music: band
chalk: outline

n u m b e r . . . :

of girls you have kissed: not enough
of boys you have kissed: none, which is enough

d o _ you _ t h i n k _ you _ a r e . . . :

pretty: no comment
funny: sometimes
hot: no, it's winter and the heating's a little weird
friendly: yes, but picky about my friends

f a v o u r i t e . . . :

flower: self-raising
summer/winter: winter

h a v e _ you _ e v e r

said i love you and meant it: no
kept a secret from everyone: of course
been to new york: the state, but not the city (yet)
to california: not yet

w h e n _ was:

last cigarette: four or five years ago, on the second of the two nights I smoked them
last cry: a long long time ago, in a gal - er, quite a while ago.
last book read: A Charles King novel, Mama's Boy.
last curse word uttered: All of them at once.
last beverage drank: coffee, about twenty minutes ago
last food consumed: dinner - a chicken casserole, followed by cheesecake
last phone call: probably my mother
showered: bath earlier today, shower yesterday
last shoes worn: plain black
last cd played: The Best Of Clannad, in the car; at home, I play MP3s
last thing written: security tool for Linux
last word spoken: dryer
last sleep: about 15 hours ago I think
last im: earlier today, with a friend from California doing a postgrad degree near here
sexual fantasy: varies
last ice cream eaten: vanilla, weeks ago
last time wanting to die: not recently

This discussion was created by Cyberdyne (104305) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Meme me up

Comments Filter:
  • Are you the same Cyberdyne that's on the Magix network site, uploading most righteous trance tracks??? If so, just want to say that your stuff is excellent. If not, I am sure you're wondering how much I've had to drink in the last few hours...

    • Are you the same Cyberdyne that's on the Magix network site, uploading most righteous trance tracks???

      No connection, I'm afraid - this is the only place I've ever used this nick, except a private IRC channel a couple of years ago! Do you have a URL for that music, or is it some subscription thing? If you're into that kind of music, any idea where I could find a copy of the Raymond Wave track I mentioned in the JE?

      If so, just want to say that your stuff is excellent. If not, I am sure you're wondering ho

      • Magix Network Community Site [], where you can listen for free. Follow the picker list on the left side of the screen, and you will see a "DJ Cyberdyne" listed (may have to go down a screen or two in the list, but he's there). Has posted two trance tracks this month. Good stuff, especially "Siren".

        As for the track you're seeking, no idea. I will look for it and let you know if I find it.

"Who alone has reason to *lie himself out* of actuality? He who *suffers* from it." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
