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Journal Boomhauer's Journal: I Hate movies!

God I hate movies! You know why I hate movies? (aside from the fact that the theater is usually filled with pricks who let their 2 year old child run up and down the isle pestering everybody just so THEY can watch the movie in peace!) The reason I hate movies is EVERYTHING WORKS OUT IN THE END! Life sucks compared to the movies. (With the exception of 'The War of the Roses' now THAT was a movie!)

Nothing works out in real life! Nothing! An movies tend to remind me that while some ass-hole can fulfill his dreams in under 120 minutes, I've been trying for 41 years and STILL CAN'T FUCKING GET IT RIGHT! (I've briefly touched on this subject in a blog I do on another site)

Not meaning to bitch here but is it so wrong of me to want things to work out?

Anyhow, I'm going to go back to watching my movie now.


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I Hate movies!

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