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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: How does one sell a lot of anime and DVDs?

So kathleen & I have been looking at moving to a much smaller place, which means we need to move some stuff... one of the single biggest things I have to move is ~500 anime DVDs. Tons of great stuff in there. The problem is that that many DVDs would take absolutely forever to list individually on eBay or Amazon or something. And shipping hundreds of DVDs individually would be ludicrously time consuming. I'm not looking to make a huge amount of cash, in fact, store credit somewhere that sells something I want would be fantastic. Does anyone have any ideas? There are local places in Ann Arbor that will exchange old games for store credit. And I'm keeping my mammoth CD collection- but I'm putting it into storage I think since they are all MP3s now anyway.

I also have a number of professionally framed and matted cels. A lot of those I'm going to keep, but I probably need to move half of them. Anyone know of a good way to do that? At that level, eBay might be cool since we'd only be talking about 10-15 pieces as opposed to the *hundreds* above.

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How does one sell a lot of anime and DVDs?

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