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Journal Aggrazel's Journal: Something I wish I knew 2 months ago 1

So a guy who lives in Austria wants to buy my domain name for $2k.

Fair enough.

So he asks me for my bank account info so he can send me the money.

Nuh uh, I think, why would I give someone my bank account info? That stuff is sacred! So I try to get him to sign up for a paypal account, even though paypal is going to rape me for the 2% or so fees, oh well. But that takes forever as they need to validate it... 2 months later, still no money and still I'm not transfering my domain name.

So we come down to it, I need the money because of some financial things going on right now. So I decide to go to the bank and ask them what to do.

Here's where things get funny, no, here's where things get COMICALLY funny, at least for me.

See, had I just gone and ASKED the bank honestly in the first place two months ago I would have found out about a cool thing called a ... well I can't remember what its called now but its like an account where they can wire money too thats not mine, but then I get the money, and it only costs me $15 which is WAY less than Paypal charges and is completely safe for me because its not associated with me in any way.

So if you ever have to do something with money that you're not comfortable with, just ASK the bank. Like I should have. and I don't know why I didn't in the first place. like an idiot. like I sometimes am.

oh well.

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Something I wish I knew 2 months ago

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  • by nizo ( 81281 )
    There are domain escrow services too. I used one a few years ago when I sold a domain (15K whooohooo) that specialize in this kind of thing. It is nice to know about the account thing however, thanks for the info!

"There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
