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Journal Thom Holwerda's Journal: Bush (Probably) Wins

As it looks now, Bush has won the US elections. Too bad. The US people have again voted for conservatism, retardedness and alienation. The US will now slip further away into the dark ages.

Still I find it hilarious how the elections are organized. I saw examples of voting machines and oh my fucking god, how ancient and difficult machines they are. No wonder there were international representatives to watch over these "elections".

What amazes me the most is that it are the two parties themselves that actually organize the elections! How fucked up is that?? That is the job of an independant organization, like it is in every other sane democracy; even in Russia, Georgia and other banana-republics! The US, telling the world how to live and what democracy is, fail to deliver true democracy themselves. At least this time the winner (if it will be Bush) will have the popular vote. That's at least something.

I hope the US will finally start to realize that with two fucked up elections in a row (2000 and 2004), it is time to reorganize their electorial system. First they should make the registration process automated, like it is in real democracies such as my country. Instead of people having to register themselves, the local governments themselves should extract all people over 18 from the population registry; sign them up; and send those people a voting invitation. A lot easier and, practically error-less. Justin, on skyos irc, said that that would cost money. Yeah hell it will, but democracy don't come cheap dude! True democracy don't come for free!

And secondly, they should get rid of the ancient electoral vote system, it's something we here abolished approx. 100 years ago.

Only then will the US democracy have the chance to turn into a real one.

And lastly, congrats to all Republicans. He did win (probably), and even though he is a complete moron, the winner is the winner.

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Bush (Probably) Wins

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