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Journal Fortunato_NC's Journal: Go Vote. Today. Now. This Means You. 3

Many states, including North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, and others, have opened the polls for "No-Excuses" early voting. In some states, you can even vote on Saturday. Regardless of your political leanings, your voice will go unheard if you don't vote. If you've made your mind up, go ahead and vote now. That way, if your guy loses on November 2, it's not because you didn't get out and vote.

Some light reading for prospective voters:

Without A Doubt - In last week's New York Times Magazine, Ron Suskind examines how faith, specifically fundamentalist Christianity, fuels George Bush's decision-making, and how dissent, even discussion, is not tolerated in the Bush White House.

Is Bush Wired? - A summary of the hullabaloo surrounding the "bulge" that appeared during the debates.

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Go Vote. Today. Now. This Means You.

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