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Journal metlin's Journal: Cellphones & Slash-Drones 13

Wow, I've never trolled this way in a long long time.

So, there's this article on cell-phone jammers being installed in France. I make a comment saying that it would be a bad thing, because I'm in a job where I would need to be available 24/7 - and if there were jammers, I would not be able to go watch movies. I merely said that between not ever receiving calls and putting up with the occasional beep from some stupid user who wouldn't switch his cellphone, I prefer the latter.

Boy, I was flamed to kingdom come.

So here's the Slashdot consensus -

Even if I keep my cellphone in vibrator alert, even if I did not disturb anyone and watched the movie - only to leave when I got an SMS or a call, I'm doing something wrong.

Apparently, I would need to change my job.

Apparently, if I'm a parent who may get a call from the baby-sitter if something goes wrong, I should not ever go to a theater.

Apparently, because of the obnoxious few who let their cellphones beep, even those of us who leave our cellphones in vibrator modes are evil. Because the slight buzzing noise is disturbing. As is the light that comes off a cellphone.

Just so that the whiney crowd here can watch their movies undisturbed.

I'm quite honestly appalled. I mean, I get just as pissed when people have their cellphones ringing in the middle of the movies. But jamming cellphones altogether? That's stupid, because that would really mean I cannot ever visit a movie theater.

Just shows how little of a life of responsibility these guys have. Haven't they ever had any serious professional or personal responsibility or what?

And oh, here's the offending thread.

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Cellphones & Slash-Drones

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  • ...whenever the topic comes up. I've seen it at least a half-dozen times on Slashdot already. Nothing seems to convince the 'bots that maybe there is a legitimate use for a cellphone in vibration mode in a theater (doctors on call, sysadmins on call, parents, etc.).

    As for the light disturbing others, it's also possible to turn that off or turn it down, at least on my phone.

    Don't feel bad. You're not the first victim of that kind of flamefest. ;-)



    • Well, what amazes me is that some of the most ridiculous posts got modded up while it looked like I was bitchslapped :-)

      People who suggested that they didn't care if their relatives died since they'd anyway find them still dead upon return from the movie - that's kinda scary, even bordering on sociopathic.

      And yeah, mine can be turned down too. But I don't do it all that often, since I anyway have it pretty low (it's color, so I have difficulties viewing it in sunlight otherwise).
      • What would be kinda cool is if there was some kind of technological solution -- like having the phones automagically switch themselves to pager mode in certain areas or whatnot. But that opens up a whole new can o' worms...



      • Well, if someone had a massive heart attack and died, God did his work and done is done.

        However, what if your loved one (or dog) who is of significant age fell and was injured? Would you leave THEN and go to the hospital? Its not immediatley life or death, but its sure something to be concerned about. After all, old creatures have a thing for dropping out at any time.

  • I was gonna comment in the thread this morning, but ran out of time before the workday began.

    To me this is similar to the banning of tobacco smoking in public places. Although I personally would rather patronize a bar or restaurant that is smoke-free, I don't think the ban should be universal; it should be up to individual businesses to allow or deny smoking, and up to the free market to reward or punish them accordingly.

    At least this French rule leaves it optional. I will assume from your comments on the
    • While I can relate to your logical argument, I cannot understand the general sentiment that seemed to basically say that anyone who may have the need for a cellphone in a theater needs to be taken out and shot.

      The unfortunate problem is that there are users with very genuine needs, and jamming the signal because of a few obnoxious fools is stupid, that's all.

      Ofcourse, this becomes a strongly opinionated problem at which point. Trust me, I hate those motherfuckers as much as you do - and I'm not one of the
  • well you posted in my journal about stealing that sig to piss off a friend. anyway, i was reading through your journal, i like your writings. i've added you as a friend.

    Grumpy Old Man.

In every non-trivial program there is at least one bug.
