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Journal ir0b0t's Journal: POTUS Debate No. 2, redux 1

I'm getting exercised by the media failure to challenge Bush's denial of income from what called a "timber growing enterprise."

When Kerry pointed out that the definition Bush used during the debate of "small business owner" included anyone who reported even a dollar of income on their Fed. Income Return, Schedule C, Bush mocked Kerry for suggesting that he had a timber company.

Bush has a credibility problem because he did report an ownership interest in a timber company. Clinton and Gore had to answer the press for far less severe misstatements. This is an example of Bush going out of his way to overtly mislead viewers away from a very valid criticism of his second tax cut.

Media must call upon Bush to answer the substance of the claim: Kerry's tax-rollback will not hurt small businesses.
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POTUS Debate No. 2, redux

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  • After all, you can run but you can't hide! It's all out there on the internets.

    But of course, we have a "librul media," so we have to forgive even the most eggregious errors, right?

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