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Journal CmdrTaco's Journal: Google, Team America, The Screen Savers

Our talk at google seemed to go pretty well. I was surprised at the number of people who showed up to hear what we had to say, especially considering what little we actually HAD to say. Seems like a pretty cool work environment. The free food everywhere would scare the crap out of me- it took me most of 2004 to lose 30 of the 40 lbs overweight that I am. But more power to them I guess. There's a cool energy in there. Very different from most offices that I've spent any real time in. But it was great to see some old friends (Hey Chris, San, Bones) and just hang out a little.

I saw Team America World Police last night at a sneak screening audience in Ypsi last night. It was a little strange for me since Paramount actually emailed me and asked if I would go as part of some marketing campaign for bloggers to see the movie. Now I've written dozens of movies reviews on Slashdot (and before that, Chips & Dips featured movie reviews has a huge portion of its content) but this is the first time a studio ever actually invited me to see a free movie. Now Slashdot has a half a million daily readers, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but hey, it's been 7 years. I'll have a complete review of the movie to post on Slashdot soon, but the short summary is that I laughed a lot. And Kathleen who went to the film almost against her will, ready to hate whatever she saw, totally sick of South Park, actually laughed harder than me. Scary. Full review tomorrow, I hope. Maybe Tuesday at the latest because...

Tomorrow I fly out at like 8am to LA to be on The Screen Savers. And pretty much as soon as that is done, I hop back on an airplane and fly straight back. The first time in years I've flown somewhere and back again in the same day. Not my favorite thing, thats for sure. On the other hand, the airplane time will let me write my movie review, and perhaps collect a few more Pokemon. As jeff likes to say, it's not a suggestion really, you GOT to catch them all. The marketing says so. I almost never turn on my game boy when I'm at home, but when I travel, it's like my little blue buddy, providing me with soothing beeps and colorful pictures... tranquilizing me and helping me contain my rage at being trapped inside the steel cylinder 30,000 feet straight up and a thousand miles from my wife, cats, computer, and tivo.

FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
