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Journal memfree's Journal: U.S. lets known terrorist FLY into U.S.????

Abdullah Al Muhajir was arrested May 8th, 2002 after disembarking from his flight from Zurich to Chicago.

Would someone please explain to me why we're bothering to confiscate tweezers and fingernail clippers at airport security here in the U.S. if we're going to KNOWINGLY let terrorists fly in?

Admittedly, the NY Times reports that FBI agents did secretly board the plane before it left Zurich, and did ask that airport security carefully check his luggage... and shoes (a la Richard Reid). This, however, does not give me a much higher sense of security, as this was simply the one guy they _knew_ was working towards terrorism.

Lesson for all terrorists: board overseas! No one will stop you, and you'll only get picked up if we are already looking for you. Sure, you won't have a full tank of fuel when you *first* get near the U.S., but remember: you can change planes without going through security.

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U.S. lets known terrorist FLY into U.S.????

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With your bare hands?!?
