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Journal eugene ts wong's Journal: Mot du Jour 5

I've decided to give a half hearted attempt at learning French again. I don't want to put much effort into it, since I won't be practising with a person any time soon. I don't have any real opportunities to watch French TV either.

Here are a couple of sites that I found through Google that give a mot du jour.

You can find out more about the author of the latter link at her main web site.

I figure that if I learn a word a day, then I'll be farther ahead if I start to use it for real, compared to just waiting until I start to use it before learning a word a day.

Also, my friend is a French tutor, and I'm hoping that I can make a simple web site for him to advertise his business. I really think the guy is cool, so I want to do what I can to help him succeed.

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Mot du Jour

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