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Journal Sloppy's Journal: Crazy bipeds 1

I tried to indicate to my pack leader, that I really wanted to go. He said, "Ok, hop in the car," and we got to go for a ride! It was great! I got to stick my head out the window, bark at my friend over in the next car, and everything!

We got to Ikea and it smelled fascinating, but then pack leader said I have to wait in the car. Dammit! I whined and looked at him with my big eyes, but it was like he didn't understand or something. I'm sure that if he knew I wanted to into the store, and maybe run around the parking lot for a couple hours, he would have let me.

So he goes in there, and it starts to get a bit stuffy in the car. I licked myself for a while, then chewed on the upolstery on the back of my pack leader's seat, but it didn't taste enough like cat, so that got boring after a while. Then one guy walked over, and I didn't think he was one of us, and that's when I realized what my job was, and why pack leader had me wait in the car. I was the guard! So I barked at the intruder. He went away. That was cool!

Then this nice-looking lady with a bag (that smelled like about three or four dozen scented tea lights) walked up, and I wanted to lick her. At least, she looked nice at first, but the next thing I know, there's screaming and shattering glass and hoses blasting water and someone with a bucket. It was terrifying, and I think I peed.

This discussion was created by Sloppy (14984) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Crazy bipeds

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