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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Should we redefine treason/war-profiteering for politics?

Should we redefine treason and war-profiteering for politicians and CEOs?

As a side thought: Should "War Profiteering" be redefined for today's economy and government. I see President Junior Bush's uncle, brother of Senior George, is a director for a mutual fund (Lord Abbett) that controls around 8 to 12 million shares of Halliburton. No competition War contracts, Bush, Cheney, and Halliburton all closely associated, and US Citizen Soldiers on battlefields around the world, and .... It just seems like (to me) a new version of USA Defense Industry "War Profiteers". Could this all be true ... real ...

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Should we redefine treason/war-profiteering for politics?

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