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Journal OldHawk777's Journal: Urges to provide more Corporate Welfare trevia

High-tech Job Market Has Lost 400,000 Jobs, September 14, 2004,
By ALLISON LINN, AP Business Writer SEATTLE (AP) -- The U.S. information tech sector lost 403,300 jobs between March 2001 over half of those jobs -- 206,300 -- were lost after experts declared the recession over in November 2001, University of Illinois-Chicago Researchers.
Source URL=
The Globalization of Software Development and its Impact on Business and Education - Heartland Software Process Improvement Network, September 3, 2003, Galen B. Crow, Associate Professor, School of Information Technology, Executive Director, Extended University, Illinois State University
Source URL=

US INS raises H-1B visas to 195,000 per year from 2000-2004
542,000 H-1B visas in US by 2000;
930,000 projected (H-1B visas) in US by 2004
50% of H-1B visa holders are IT workers
50% of new H-1B IT applicants are in software development
Potentially 250,000 H-1B visas for software engineers by 2004

Regardless of future of IT domestic employment, IT and software development have become "global" - Software engineering is becoming an "imported" commodity - IT employment still a good career bet but must adjust to evolving skill set and expectations - IT/Software workers need to be able to operate in a multi-cultural, global environment and have a quality emphasis
Technology is amazing there is a close match in numbers between the two sources. Providing proof that exceptional good prior planning by businesses and politicians are possible when it is in their self/special-interest (market failures are just economic anomalies). IT is in the interest of "Big Business" to control cost and thereby increase profit. IT is in the interest of "Corporate Welfare" and "Political Sponsors" to protect elections and careers that provide for the plutocratic elite [AKA: White Collar Trash] management successes. This is the only way (for some) to keep the world moving towards a better place with more folks working around the world in many Fritz Metropolises.

Humanity is a renewable replaceable reusable and unending resource for production. Like oil and water there are always ways to correctly control cost and availability for profit. US Citizen technology workers cost too much (it is a global economy), export or import workers at a lower cost. It is all just good-old supply and demand. When US worker-units are to expensive, then find a worker-unit that cost less. It is just business and government working together to create a better Metropolitans' world community. It ain't capitalism or democracy, because like communism those old philosophies are failures. Good business processes provides order for a stable society, and are better at governing people and realities ... supplyNdemand, voodooeconomics, trickledowntickle, ....

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Urges to provide more Corporate Welfare trevia

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